Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Don’t you just luuurrrrve it when someone posts their entire personal life in a series of status updates? Yeah, I mean it in the most sarcastic way possible. Get a life man! Nobody cares! Not even the dude/gal you are addressing. (If you think this post is about u, rest assured it most probably is :D)

Now, some people will argue how different am I posting this addressing you. For all I know, you might not care either. But you do… baby, I know you do. Though, I will try to give you a benefit of doubt here. Probably you thought the entire world just sits on the edge of their seats trying to find out what’s up in your love life. Probably you thought your life is just a teensy bit stretched out KJo movie that people actually pay 250/- per head to watch first day first show. Probably you thought one of your friends might just turn out to be the next Ekta Kapoor who would write a 1000 episode epic on your life story. It could happen. It really could. But just in case it doesn’t, here are a few pointers to actually know how normal people react to your status updates.

• When you say something like… you broke my heart, you broke my spirit, you left me out in the cold... but I don’t need you... I am happy. HAPPY!!! Its just plain sad. Everyone knows you are trying too hard to prove a point. If you are happy, you tell the world how you are enjoying yourself… and don’t think of who broke your heart and when and how… you just… stay happy

• Ok, so you put up “I am soooo depressed” update once and u had an overwhelming response… but give it a rest already. Even the best stories in life seem stale after you have heard it like a 1000 times

• Also don’t put up enigmatic status updates… eg “so frustrated!!” comment: why what happened? You: you wont understand :-/… ok so if you don’t want to share what it is, don’t put up the frickin’ update

• Don’t like your own status update. Just… don’t do it.

• Ever heard of the idiot who tried to start a chain status update? That idiot DIED!!!

I guess this is it for now… till you something dorkier next time. I will be back. Doubt mat rakhna  till then, ciao

(Disclaimer: the “you” I am referring to may or may not be in my friend list. It might not be even the same person everytime I put up a point. So please, don’t get emotional reading this post. Yeah, I am talking to YOU :P)


Er. said...

Come on, don't be scared of the "you." We all, facebookians, at some point of the time have been 'you' in your post, including the real "you." Isn't it? And if you weren't that "you" ever, stop cribbing shit. We don't care. Seriously, we don't. :)

sush said...

My first line specifies that i'm only talking abt those who turn facebook into their personal diary. No taking anything personally amigo.. Sau galatiya to sabko maaf hote hai :)

Mani Lalwani said...

You, know what, Everyone has a fakebook (= ?? ) friend who's status you never understand.. trust me...

and Liking your own status, Thats like calling your cellphone from your landline to talk to yourself :P

btw, nice read re..
Keep writing !

p.s. - Get over this word verification thing ! It sucks !
p.s. 2 - Happy new year!
p.s. 3 - still reading ? :P

Aarthi said...

Hi Sush,

Is there a way I can get in touch with you, I am a journalist working on Facebook story for a well-known women's magazine. I was wondering if you's share your decision to quit facebook a while ago.

My email is wordswithaarthi at gmail... or you can respond here, will get in touch. Thanks

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

new to your space..
amazing space you have
happy following you..;)
do stop by mine sometime

Tasty Appetite